Posted on
May 9, 2013
Eldon Spears
You are never alone in Panama. Let me tell you, I wish I had a list of every Canadian that is currently spending 6 months or more in Panama every year. It would be large.
I have so many clients that feel so alone when making the move to Panama. The truth is, there are so many of us down here that it is really unbelievable. Every Canadian down here has done it. Every Canadian down here is doing it, and they are very happy to help you do it too. Information is fine, and there is a ton of it, but experience is another thing, and us Canadians have it.
Here are some groups you can join, and some other imformation sources. Facebook pages are awesome for poking around and finding the people who are doing it.
These are just a few places where one can network, and ask questions in order to gain the perspectives of those of us who have done it, and wouldn't you know it? Canadians are always happy to give you their story!!
Another great thing to consider, is that even after you have made the move, you don't have to be a pioneer. You can ask a fellow Canadian what the best way to get a driver's license is, or how to import that car. Many people have made great Panamanian contacts who can get things done much quicker than you, doing it for the first time.